GenerationW is a 1 year-long accelerator program designed to provide young women with useful tools, skills, network, mentoring and support to enter the job market in Belgium. You can apply along the year.
female students and young job-seekers in their career
and personal development...
...through mentorships, support, development of soft and hard skills, various trainings and workshops.. well as inspirational talks, speed dating with mentors, creative games and pitching sessions.
Online Platform
A space to facilitate candidates searching for jobs
Multiple recruiters and job offers in Belgium available
It will enhance the chances to find the perfect job-match!
Candidates can upload their CV and bio, and choose their fields of interest
Soft Skills
Emotional Intelligence
Growth Mindset
Critical Thinking
Reasoning and Problem Solving
Hard Skills
Digital Understanding
Tech Skills
Data Literacy
Financial Literacy
Entrepreneurship Skills
all this combined with...
Inspirational Talks
Speed Dating with Mentors
Creative Games
Pitching Sessions
alongside with...
Team-building Activities
Fun evenings and meetings
Trips to Brussels, Ghent, Wallonie, Antwerp...
Many other events and surprises
From different backgrounds to ensure the diversity and the inclusion that Belgium represents.
Reducing gender inequalities by putting young women at the heart of the job market.
Providing young women with IT and digital skills, that are now crucial to adjust to the digital transformation.
Preparing future female leaders and unlocking their talents.
Build women’s adaptability and resilience to thrive during post COVID-19.
Filling the gap of universities by providing practical skills.
Providing access to connections in Belgium: Internships, Job Opportunities, Partnerships…
Advancing young women's place in the STEM careers and digital scene.
Starting from the end of February 2021 until the end of February 2022